Goat Milk Lotion

January’s Featured Product

Welcome to 2024! We will be starting a new featured product spotlight every month. This will come out the first week of every month and will give you information about the product and a discount code to use if you purchase it.

January’s featured product is our Goat Milk Lotion. By now many people who are experiencing winter temperatures have dry and itchy skin from the cold, dry weather. Our creamy, goat milk lotion, made with only natural ingredients, is perfect for winter skin. We offer a variety of scents as well as unscented.

Goat milk provides several benefits to skincare products. It is a gentle cleanser and helps to maintain your skin’s natural moisture. Goat milk is rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals as well as helping to reduce inflammation. It can even help to reduce wrinkles and acne while soothing dry, damaged skin. The benefit that was most important to me though was that it is less allergenic than products containing synthetic ingredients.

Several years ago, I experienced skin issues that included itchy, dry skin, and rashes. It felt like my skin was itching on the inside. Looking for relief, I went down the rabbit hole of natural skincare products. When I discovered goat milk products and the benefits from them, it seemed like a natural solution since we were already raising dairy goats.

This led to a lot of research and trial and error when I began to make my soaps and lotions. The relief from the skin issues I had been having was almost immediate after I began to use our products daily. My skin was no longer itching inside or out, no more rashes, or dry skin. I have experimented with adding synthetic fragrance oils to my lotions and that will make all of the symptoms flair up again. For that reason, you will never find synthetic fragrance oils used to scent our products. We promise to always use the best, most natural ingredients we can find so that our products are great for all skin ages and types.

If you are looking for a more natural skincare option for your skin, I encourage you to check out our Goat Milk Lotion. During January, we will be giving a 10% discount on all purchases of our lotion. Just use the code featuredproduct23. It cannot be combined with other coupons.

We hope you enjoy our Goat Milk Lotions!